In the current state of the world, it can feel like we are losing our humanity. Technology is creating uncontrollable polarisation. The effects of climate disturbances and political turmoil are driving great migrations of people creating refugee crises, mass starvation and the rise of racist movements. Through all this, we are hopeful. While there is a human capacity to detach from the larger systems in which we work, we know that design, as a profession, is more committed to tuning in and designing for humanity. We are inspired to see a range of new design communities around the world organising themselves to make positive change. Designing not only for humans, but with humanity

meet the 2024–2026 executive board

tenure track, assistant professor–industrial design (design studies)

new member | college of design and innovation (D&I) at tongji university (china)

bienal del cartel bolivia BICeBé 2025

business of design week (BODW) 2024

43rd Graphic Design Exhibition

hiiibrand awards 2024
a unified voice for global design
Our membership traverses multiple perspectives and vast geographies. Connected to other networks through the Council, ICoD Members co-create a unified voice for the global design community, driving high level dialogue about design’s leading role in society, culture and the economy.