joseph binder award 2020

03.05.2020 Competition
AustriaICoD is pleased to announce the event Joseph Binder Award 2020 organised by ICoD Member designaustria. Graphic designers, illustrators, advertising agencies, and students enrolled in relevant courses from all over the world are invited to enter their works realised in 2018 and after by 29 February (early bird) or 17 April 2020. *Due to the great demand, the regular deadline for entries has been extended to 3 May 2020.
The Joseph Binder Award is an international competition with a focus on graphic design and illustration and was first launched by designaustria in 1996. It is named after one of the major graphic designers and illustrators active in Austria between the two World Wars, who subsequently also revolutionised visual communication in the United States.
The Joseph Binder Award aims at recognising and defining current benchmarks, highlighting leading social, cultural, and economic markers, encouraging the improvement of standards in graphic design, and raising the general awareness of superior design quality. It is meant to honour the merit of existing work that exhibits design excellence.
1. Corporate Design
Corporate identity programmes, logotypes, office stationary, etc.
2. Communication Design
Ads, mailings, leaflets, brochures, social media, online campaigns, calendar, stamps, etc.
3. Information Design
User instructions, signage systems, exhibitions, stands, diagrams, etc.
4. Type Design
Fonts, lettering, etc.
5. Poster Design
Indoor and outdoor posters of all formats and genres
6. Editorial Design
Books (fiction and non-fiction), art and exhibition catalogues, annual reports, magazines, newspapers,
7. Packaging Design
Packaging graphics, labels, etc.
8. Screen Design
Websites, microsites, apps, interface design, newsletter, software design, etc.
1. Book Illustration
Illustrations for children’s books, fiction, poetry, non-fiction, graphic novels, etc.
2. Media Illustration
Illustrations for periodicals, newspapers, etc.
3. Commercial Illustration
Illustrations for advertising media, etc.
4. Illustration in Miscellaneous Applications
Illustrations for diverse communication media, animations, game design, storyboards, etc.
C DESIGN FICTION (special category)
Unpublished works, independent projects, unrealized concepts, school projects, etc. in all graphic design and illustration disciplines*
*Works to be entered in several categories must be registered separately for each category. This competition assesses exclusively works in the field of graphic design and illustration.
The entrants have to register online at designaustria.
Early bird phase: online submission by 29 February 2020.
Regular participation: online submission by 17 April 2020.
Award Ceremony/Catalogue presentation on November 12
Exhibition at the designforum Wien in Vienna in November 2020
The works entered will be evaluated by an international jury of experts. Members of the jury (and their family members and employees) are excluded from participation in the competition. The international jury of experts will assess the projects entered in two rounds: first in the online selection process and, as a next step, in the original.
• Susanne Breitfeld, Communication Designer, BDG Board Member, Mainz/Germany
• Christina John, Communication Designer, tgm Board Member, Munich/Germany
• Laurent Graas, Strategic Director, Design Luxembourg Board Member,
• Indra Kupferschmid, Typographer, Saarbrücken/Germany
• Aad Goudappel, Illustrator, Rotterdam/Netherlands
• Tina Guthauser, Communication Designer, Sissach/Switzerland
• Francesco E. Guida, Communication Designer, AIAP Board Member, Milan/Italy
• Martin Tiefenthaler, Typographer, tga Board Member, Vienna/Austria
• Daniel Stolle, Illustrator, Kyröskoski/Finland
• Irena Gubanc, Graphic Designer, Ljubljana/Slovenia
• Vitaly Stavitsky, Graphic Designer, Moscow/Russia
• Lena Mitkowa, Graphic Designer, STGU Board Member, Warsaw/Poland
• Stepán Holic, Graphic Designer, UGD Board Member, Praha/Czech Republic
• Marko Golub, HDD Board Member, Zagreb/Croatia
• Torsten Meyer-Bogya, Designer, AGD Board Member, Kiel/Germany
• Gediminas Lasas, LGDA Board Member, Vilnius/Lithuania
This competition highlights and honours excellent design in order to recognise and define current benchmarks, encourage an improvement of standards, and raise a general awareness for superior design quality. There will be no commercial use whatsoever.
Read more about the Call for Submissions and Competition Guidelines here.
The Joseph Binder Award is held in collaboration with Allianz deutscher Designer (AGD), Associazione Italiana Design della Comunicazione visiva (AIAP), Berufsverband der Kommunikationsdesigner (BDG), Croatian Designers Association (HDD), Swiss Graphic Designers (SGD), Typographische Gesellschaft München (tgm), Design Luxembourg, typographische gesellschaft austria (tga), Czech Union of Graphic Design (UGD), Lithuanian Graphic Design Association (LGDA), The Association of Finnish Illustrators (Kuvittajat), Designers Society of Slovenia (DOS), Russia Designers Association, Vereinigung der slowakischen Illustratoren (ASIL), Turkish Graphic Designers Association (GMK), and Association of Polish Graphic Designers (STGU). These organisations help distribute the call for entries among their members. Some of them delegate a jury member as well.
Joseph Binder Award 2020
ico-D Member profile:
Official website for designaustria
Register online here
Jury List
Call for Submissions and Competition Guidelines