02.05.2002 News
Zagreb (Croatia) - UN-TRASHED, Exhibition of Rejected Works opened on World Graphics Day (27th April 2002) in Zagreb's ULUPUH Gallery, Croatia. The aim of the exhibition is to present the real situation on the Croatian graphic design scene through the relationship between the clients and the works of professional designers. As usually all exhibitions require the works entered to be accepted and published, rejected works were thus always deprived of the possibility to be presented to the general public. Rejected works are shown here in direct juxtaposition with the accepted works, giving the public an opportunity to judge the criteria upon which works end up in trash or in print. From this confrontation we can clearly see the space between what designers have to offer and that which our clients deem to be good design. Without seeing the rejected works, we can never have the complete picture of the designer's real potential.
What started as a relatively small project is now, through support and interest of the colleagues worldwide, becoming an international project and event. Web site www.untrashed.com is not just an opportunity for all designers to see the exhibition, but will, from 18th May (closing date of the exhibition) become a space where all interested designers can upload their rejected works and discuss the issues of criteria and other problems facing the profession. Many designers from all around the world have already expressed their wish to exhibit their rejected works, which prompted the organization committee to rethink the event on an international level. With support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, we are proud to announce the 1st UN-TRASHED International Festival that will open in Zagreb on World Graphics Day 2003. We hereby invite all interested designers and associations to enter their works and participate in the project. We hope that this event will help complete the global picture of graphic design profession.
For more information, contact:
C: Iva Babaja
T: + 385 1 48 14 987
M: +385 91 590 3542
E: info@untrashed.com
W: www.untrashed.com


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