what is svenska tecknare?

18.08.2015 Features
Photo credit: Jenny Gustafsson
Founded in 1955, (ST) represents Sweden’s professional illustrators and graphic designers and has some 1500 members throughout the country. The office is situated in Stockholm and has six employees working in administration, legal advice and communications. Tecknaren, Svenska Tecknare’s magazine for illustrators and graphic designers, is published six times annually.
ST members work within a broad spectrum of visual communication, illustrations and graphic design for newspapers, books and new media, websites, cartoons, animated films, news graphics, signs, trademarks, information and marketing.
safeguarding intellectual property rights for designers
The association is primarily concerned with the safeguarding of intellectual property rights of illustrators and graphic designers, and one of the most important of these is copyright. ST also works to finalise financial and social insurance agreements with a variety of parties who commission work or employ its members. The association also offers one to two day-courses for their members to give them a chance to develop their skills within the profession.
Every second year the association arranges Kolla! - a competition for graphic designers and illustrators, as well as a number of seminars - called Prata! - with the purpose to deepen the discussion and relevant topics in our field.
The association safeguards freedom of expression and freedom of the press. It is affiliated to several other organisations that protect similar interests and rights of their members, and is a member of the ico-D, the International Council of Design.
The association is involved in various forms of international collaborations, including Nordisk Visuell Kommunikation (Nordic Visual Communication), an umbrella organisation composed of sister organisations in the Nordic countries. It is also a member of the European Illustrators Forum (EIF), a network for European organisation for illustrators.
splash! stockholm .
Svenska Tecknare ico-D Member page here.
Svenska Tecknare official website here.


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