the council co-opts new executive board member frank peters (UK)

12.03.2018 Announcements
Montréal (Canada) March 2018 — The ico-D Executive Board has co-opted a new Member, Frank Peters, Chief Executive of the Chartered Society of Designers (UK) bringing the 2017-2019 Executive Board to 11 members. The Council strives to ensure that the Board be representative, from the point of view of geographical distribution, gender equality, member type and now, with the shift to multidisciplinary status, is expanding representation across the design disciplines. Co-option, in this case of Mr. Peters, brings with him the experience of managing one of the most recognised Accreditation/Certification bodies for professional design.
Trained as an exhibition designer, Frank went on to form his own multidisciplinary creative consultancy. Since 2001, as Chief Executive of the Chartered Society of Designers, he has been instrumental in developing its governance and strategy. He conceived, developed and achieved, ‘The Register of Chartered Designers’, and the Society’s education initiative, ‘CSD Course Endorsement Programme’, based on the framework for professional practice which he also designed and developed.
In discussion with Society’s patron, he arranged to take over the management of the Prince Philip Designers Prize and initiate the Prince Philip Student Design Awards, both of which he is the Honorary Secretary. He is a member of the Quality Assurance Agency PSRB steering group, a regular speaker at international fora and is a qualified Chartered Director.
The ico-D Bylaws allow for the Executive Board to co-opt up to 4 Members per term to fill gaps in competencies, experience and representation.
ico-D is pleased with the co-option of Frank Peters and looks forward to the outreach and professional strategic potential his presence will provide to the Board and the Council at large.


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