2011 IDA Congress Taipei preliminary announcement

14.10.2010 News
Montreal (Canada) - From 24-26 October 2011, participants from business, industry and government in all areas are invited to Taipei (Taiwan - Chinese Taipei) for the . Hosted by Taiwan Design Center (TDC), the 2011 IDA Congress Taipei is the primary event for dialogue between designers and non-design stakeholders in a summit format.
The 2011 IDA Congress marks the IDA alliance's inaugural event since its establishment in 2005. Taipei was selected as the host city after an international competitive bid process.
The aim of the IDA Congress is to bring together the unified voice of designers around the world in a themed framework to advance the vision and mission of the IDA by engaging with government leaders (commerce, trade, culture, etc.), INGO's, business, science and technology, education, the social sciences (ethnography, sociology, etc.).
The congress theme is 'Design at the Edges.' The theme addresses the blurring of the edges between industrial design, communication design and interior architecture/design, as design becomes a pan-disciplinary practice and less structured by specific skill set or product outcome.
There are two main parts to the Congress, namely keynote speeches and parallel sessions. With one or two keynote speeches every morning, there will be a total of five keynote speeches being given during the three-day congress. The parallel sessions will be held every afternoon and a variety of activities on various topics and different formats will be on offer to meet the different needs of participants.
More details, including registration information will be announced soon.
Those interested in receiving updates can sign up for the Congress newsletter.
Visit: www.2011idacongress.com
For more information, please contact:
Fareed Ramezani
Icograda Membership Communications Manager
E: framezani@icograda.org
The 2011 IDA Congress marks the IDA alliance's inaugural event since its establishment in 2005. Taipei was selected as the host city after an international competitive bid process.
The aim of the IDA Congress is to bring together the unified voice of designers around the world in a themed framework to advance the vision and mission of the IDA by engaging with government leaders (commerce, trade, culture, etc.), INGO's, business, science and technology, education, the social sciences (ethnography, sociology, etc.).
The congress theme is 'Design at the Edges.' The theme addresses the blurring of the edges between industrial design, communication design and interior architecture/design, as design becomes a pan-disciplinary practice and less structured by specific skill set or product outcome.
There are two main parts to the Congress, namely keynote speeches and parallel sessions. With one or two keynote speeches every morning, there will be a total of five keynote speeches being given during the three-day congress. The parallel sessions will be held every afternoon and a variety of activities on various topics and different formats will be on offer to meet the different needs of participants.
More details, including registration information will be announced soon.
Those interested in receiving updates can sign up for the Congress newsletter.
Visit: www.2011idacongress.com
For more information, please contact:
Fareed Ramezani
Icograda Membership Communications Manager
E: framezani@icograda.org
About the International Design Alliance (IDA)
Established in 2005, by founding partners Icsid and Icograda, the International Design Alliance (IDA) is a strategic venture between the international organisations representing design. The IDA serves as the collective voice for all disciplines, advocating the mutual interest of all design professions. In 2008, the IDA welcomed IFI to the alliance as the third partner.About Icsid
The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) is a non-profit organisation that protects and promotes the interests of the profession of industrial design. Founded in 1957, Icsid serves as a unified voice of over 50 nations through which members can express their views and be heard on an international platform. Since its inception, Icsid has continued to develop its wide-reaching network of students and professionals devoted to the recognition, success and growth of the industrial design community. Together, professional associations, promotional societies, educational institutions, government bodies and corporations create a comprehensive and diverse system on the forefront of industrial design education and progress.www.icsid.org
About Icograda
Icograda (the International Council of Graphic Design Associations) is the world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, it is a voluntary assembly of organisations concerned with graphic design, visual communication, design management, promotion, education, research and journalism. Icograda promotes communication designers' vital role in society and commerce and unifies the voices of graphic designers and visual communicators worldwide. The vision, mission and core values of the Council are collectively embodied in the statement 'leading creatively' and manifested through our Members' diverse activities to use design as a medium for progressive change.About IFI
The International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers is the global voice and authority for professional Interior Architects/Designers. IFI is the sole international federating body for Interior Architecture/Design organisations, and acts as a global forum for the exchange and development of knowledge and experience, in worldwide education, research and practice. Often considered as the "United Nations" of the Interior Architecture/Design field, IFI connects the international community in order to further the impact, influence and application of the design of interiors, promote global social responsibility, and raise the status of the profession worldwide. Founded in 1963 to expand the international network of professional Interior Architects/Designers, IFI now includes 74 member associations, institutions and schools in 45 countries on every continent, collectively representing over 65 000 practicing Interior Architects/Designers.www.ifiworld.org


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