2012 ADAA announces Period I semifinalists and releases new mobile app

23.02.2012 News
San Jose (United States) - The 2012 Adobe® Design Achievement Awards is pleased to announce its semifinalists for the first period of the competition. Period I closed on 27 January 2012 with a record breaking number of submissions. Projects submitted in the first period have been thoroughly reviewed by the Pre-selection Panel who have selected deserving semifinalists in each category. 200 semifinalists were chosen for this period whose names have been announced on the ADAA website.
Period II
The second period of the competition runs from 27 January to 27 April 2012.
Free to enter, the competition is open to students, faculty members, and staff members of higher education institutions throughout the world. This year students are given extra opportunities to submit - up to 3 projects in each of the 13 student categories. Faculty and staff may also submit up to 3 times in 3 faculty and staff categories.
Student and faculty finalists will receive Adobe software and a trip to Los Angeles, California, where they will be honoured in an awards ceremony that will take place during the 2012 Adobe MAX Conference. Winners in each category will also receive a cash award of USD $3000.
ADAA Mobile App
The ADAA is releasing a mobile app that encourages fans to 'Create Your Wings and Fly'! A first this year, the ADAA Wings app inserts a pair of wings into photos taken on a mobile phone. These creations can be directly uploaded to the ADAA Wings Gallery on Facebook. ADAA Wings is available on the Android Market and in the App Store.
Join the community
Students and faculty are encouraged to connect with the ADAA and receive updates through any of the following:
- facebook.com/adobeawards
- twitter.com/adobeawards
- ADAA LinkedIn Group
- ADAA on Google+
- youtube.com/ADAA2012
- vimeo.com/adaa
For more information on prizes and competition rules visit adobeawards.com
For inquiries, contact:
Diala Lada
Projects Manager
Icograda Secretariat
E dlada@icograda.org
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Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences.
About Icograda
Icograda is the world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, Icograda promotes communication designers' vital role in society and commerce.
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