secretariat mailing address change

03.08.2020 Announcements

The Council has decided that, in order to ensure the continued health and well-being of the Secretariat staff, the remote working set-up announced on 12 March will be extended indefinitely. The present COVID crisis is unprecedented in the Council’s history and there is very little clarity on what the next months will bring. The Executive Board has deemed that the risks presented by co-working and public transportation — particularly coming into the Canadian winter period — are unwarranted. While Canada has been pro-active in the management of the pandemic, the city of Montréal, where the Secretariat is located, is still reporting a troubling increase in daily rates. In practical terms this means that Secretariat staff will continue to assure the regular levels of service through a combination of digital tools.

Be advised that all mail should now be directed to:

International Council of Design
CP 519 Succ. Place d’Armes
Montréal, QC
H2Y 3H3

This change should be made as of 01 August 2020. Mail delivered to the physical address will be delayed. All other forms of communication remain as they are; telephone, email and other contacts will not be affected.

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