11.02.2008 News
Albert Ng has had an illustrious career in graphic design. One of CanadaÂs best-known designers, he led a ten-year campaign for the professional accreditation of graphic designers in Ontario. The resulting legislation caused him to become known as the Âfather of graphic design accreditation. Mr Ng founded the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario. He helped develop clearly defined standards of professional practice, quality post-secondary education programs, and a greater understanding of the important role of graphic design in business and economic success. His accreditation model was a first in North America, second world-wide, and his contributions to design have helped OntarioÂs graphic designers be globally competitive.
 From the Order of Ontario Citation investiture ceremony,
24 January 2008
 From the Order of Ontario Citation investiture ceremony,
24 January 2008
Toronto (Canada) - Albert Ng, a Canadian widely regarded as the father of graphic design accreditation in North America, was one of 27 recipients recently invested in the Order of Ontario by the Honourable David Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.
The Order of Ontario, the provinceÂs highest and most prestigious honour, is awarded to Ontarians for outstanding achievement and excellence in any field. The men and women invested in The Order are representative of the best of OntarioÂs caring and diverse society and stand as shining examples for us all. Their lives have benefited society in Ontario and elsewhere.
Albert Ng is indeed such a remarkable and outstanding individual. For more than two decades he devoted himself to raising the standards and the profile of CanadaÂs graphic design profession. What has transpired from his profound commitment to this design discipline, together with his astute leadership and unwavering vision, is a lasting gift of innovative collaboration and outstanding achievement.
AlbertÂs aspirations for the profession came to fruition only after many years of dedicated work. He saw what the profession lacked and set out to remedy the situation, even when told the challenges would be impossible to overcome. Undeterred, he persisted in his pursuit of professional recognition and convinced other designers to lend their support to his accreditation plan. ÂAccreditation would be for our next generation of designers and students, he said (and still says).
Of the many successes stemming from accreditation, Albert counts creating the professional self-governing body for OntarioÂs graphic designers, creating the Examination Board for Registered Graphic Designers, and elevating OntarioÂs professional and graphic design-education standards as his most rewarding achievements. These were milestones indeed and they have forever changed the outlook for Canadian graphic design.
With accreditation Albert has enhanced the reputation of Canadian designers on an international level. He is quick to recall an early comment from one well-known American designer, ÂI am inspired and impressed by the thoughtful and methodical work that Canadian designers are doing to make professional accreditation a reality. It seems like every time U.S. designers get together to discuss the subject, it deteriorates into a shouting match! ItÂs not just the Americans who have been watching the effects of accreditation; several Asian governments and many graphic design organizations, and even the Queensland government of Australia, have taken notice and have approached Albert for advice and information about his accreditation projects.
Accreditation has opened the door for changes in the education of OntarioÂs graphic designers too. New post-graduate design degree programs are being established and one and two-year post-secondary design programs have been eliminated, with three or four year applied degrees or honours bachelor degrees becoming the norm.
AlbertÂs contributions to Canadian graphic design are well-known. He was the founding president of the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario, a former vice-president of Icograda, and former president of the Ontario chapter of the GDC. He is also the first Canadian designer to be honoured as a Fellow of both the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC) and the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario). A former Association president recently commented that, Âwithout Mr NgÂs initial vision for graphic design accreditation in Ontario there would be no RGD Ontario.Â
For more information contact:
Helen Mah
T. +1 416 651 9139,


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