25 General Assembly: Call for Nominations for 2013-2015 Executive Board; Official notice of meeting launched

16.05.2013 News
:: UPDATE :: 15 July 2013
The International Design Alliance has announced the cancellation of the
IDA Congress events planned for Istanbul for November, 2013.
Icograda will shortly announce new venue information for the
25 Icograda General Assembly.
Nominations will be accepted from Icograda Members and all nominees must be members or officers of Icograda Members.
The Icograda Executive Board is responsible for the effective governance of the Council and the vigorous pursuit of Icograda's mission and objectives and adherence to its core values.
The nominations are accepted for the following Board positions:
 Icograda President 2013-2015 (1 position)Nominations must be received no later than 16 August 2013 via the General Assembly registration system or in writing by mailing:
 President Elect 2013-2015 (President 2015-2017) (1
 Secretary General (1 position)
 Treasurer (1 position)
 Vice President (5 positions)
Icograda Secretariat / Attn: Marilena Farruggia?Voting will take place at the General Assembly on 18-19 November 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey and the 2013-2015 Executive Board will be announced on 19 November 2013.
455 Saint Antoine Ouest, Suite SS 10
?Montréal, Quebec?
H2Z 1J1 Canada
New format for 25 General Assembly Communications
Icograda Secretariat has deployed the official Notice of Meeting for the25 Icograda General Assembly.
Utilizing a new communications format, Icograda Members can anticipate the email below, arriving from secretariat@icograda.org
The communications contains pertinent meeting details, including registration and nominations procedures, deadlines, and core Icograda documents.
For more information contact:
Jovana Milovic
Project Manager


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