09.06.2018 Member news
member forum: small design market challenge in lithuania
08.30.2018 ICoD news
design is changing: 2018 platform meeting beijing recap
08.21.2018 Announcements
welcoming marnie guglielmi-vitullo as new programmes manager
07.18.2018 Editorial
advocating for fairness in copyright enforcement in the united states
06.25.2018 ICoD news
new member: university of melbourne school of design (australia)
06.18.2018 Announcements
the council announces two new corresponding entities
06.13.2018 Member news
central academy of fine arts (CAFA) feature
05.09.2018 Member news
AIAP spearheads design award for women
05.09.2018 ICoD news
world design day 2018 'kids can too!' recap
05.08.2018 ICoD news
2018 regional meeting ASEAN sparks creation of new network of designers in laos
05.02.2018 Announcements
the international indigenous design charter: a new way of thinking
05.02.2018 Announcements
the council announces an agreement with beijing design week (china)
03.27.2018 News
montréal design declaration moving forward
03.22.2018 ICoD news
don ryun chang: branding for mega events
03.19.2018 ICoD news
new member: chartered society of designers (united kingdom)
03.19.2018 ICoD news
new member: beijing institute of fashion technology (china)
03.19.2018 ICoD news
new member: the african institute of interior design professions (south africa)
03.16.2018 Announcements
bid for the 2019 ico-D general assembly and events now open
03.15.2018 ICoD news
regional meeting ASEAN 2018 kuala lumpur (malaysia) recap
03.12.2018 Announcements
the council co-opts new executive board member frank peters (UK)
01.25.2018 ICoD news
world design day 2018: kids can too!
01.22.2018 Industry news
lin cunzhen’s winning logo for the 2022 olympics
01.11.2018 ICoD news