13.11.2006 News
The poster as a peculiar
means of communication can become one of the most effective means of
education of young healthy generation, healthy first of all from the
point of view of a moral point of view. We cannot overcome AIDS yet.
But we can and we must change the attitudes of young people towards the
problem, the attitude towards their health. We can try to influence
their motivation to healthy way of life, to strengthen the instinct of
healthy life in their consciousness, to help them be healthy and happy.
It is for this reason, that the Chervona Strichka Kharkov Regional Charitable Foundation for Assistance to HIV/AIDS Affected People has come together with
- The Kharkov Organization of the Ukraine Designers' Union
- The Ukrainian Association of the Graphic and Design Artists "The 4th Block"
- The Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts
- The Kharkov Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
to organise AntiAIDS-Ukraine: 2 International Poster and Computer Animation Competition.
Goals And objectives of the competition
- Spread HIV/AIDS prevention and motivate young people to a healthy way of life.
- Include of the best competition work as a part of the existing HIV/AIDS Poster Exhibition exhibited throughout the world.
is the second international competition 'AntiAIDS-Ukraine'. 110
designers from 15 countries sent 230 posters to the first competition.
The exhibition created from these posters has become international and
it has already been shown in different cities in the Ukraine and other
Criteria for submission
Poster:format not more than 60?90 cm; offset, silk-screen or plotter printing.
Computer animation: FLASH film, animated image, dynamic poster, social advertisement.
works are submitted in an uncompressed AVI format (PAL, 720x576 px, 25
frames per second, duration not more than 30 sec), executed by any
program means.
The participants in the competition may be physical persons or organisations.
Language of official communication
Ukrainian, Russian and English.
1 March 2007
The Prize Fund
best of the submitted works are awarded with encouragement and special
prizes. The prize fund of the competition is 5000 USD.
Selection committee
- Valerii Galchenko (Ukraine)
- Vladimir Kakurin (Ukraine)
- Vladimir Lesniak (Ukraine)
- Mikhail Opalev (Ukraine)
- Maria Ruban (Ukraine)
International jury
- Oleg Veklenko (Ukraine)
- Maja Wolna (Poland)
- Chaz Maviyane-Davies (Zimbabwe)
- Sergei Serov (Russia)
- Parisa Tashakori (Iran)
Complete Regulations
to download the complete competition regulations.
For further information please contact:
Chervona Stricka Charitable Foundation:
6 Borby Street, Kharkiv, 61044 Ukraine.
T: +38 057 713-44-78
F: +38 057 392-09-08


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)