D&AD Awards 2011 announces Call for Entries

01.12.2010 News
London (United Kingdom) - Designers from around the world are invited to take part in D&AD Awards 2011. From now until 31 January, participants can enter their original and inspiring work in 25 different categories.
D&AD has celebrated and nurtured outstanding work in design and advertising since 1962. The Yellow Pencil is recognised the world over as a symbol of true creative achievement. Year on year D&AD Annuals showcase the very best work and continue to provide an unrivalled source of creative inspiration.
D&AD's current President, Sanky attempted to learn a tongue-in-cheek speech and deliver it as 'The President' in as many languages as possible. The only language Sanky speaks is English so he had no head start, he had to learn each language phonetically and work with voice coaches until he got the speech right - or as near to right as possible. He made it to 13 over two days. Russian proved to be a bridge too far. Don't be surprised if a few further instalments appear over the next couple of months. The speeches are available at: www.youtube.com/dandad
In Book - Best of the year
Work that will feature in the prestigious D&AD Annual
Nomination  Shortlisted
Work that has Pencil-winning potential
Yellow Pencil - Creative Excellence
Awarded for creative excellence in a specific discipline
Black Pencil  Groundbreaking
Extremely rare and awarded to truly groundbreaking work
To enter, and for more information on past winners, the judges and categories visit www.dandad.org/awards/professional/2011
Final deadline for entries: 31 January 2011
For more information, please contact:
9 Graphite Square
Vauxhall Walk
SE11 5EE
E: contact@dandad.co.uk
D&AD has celebrated and nurtured outstanding work in design and advertising since 1962. The Yellow Pencil is recognised the world over as a symbol of true creative achievement. Year on year D&AD Annuals showcase the very best work and continue to provide an unrivalled source of creative inspiration.
The D&AD Awards 2011 Creative Campaign
The idea behind this year's Call for Entries is The President Speaks In As Many Languages As Possible.D&AD's current President, Sanky attempted to learn a tongue-in-cheek speech and deliver it as 'The President' in as many languages as possible. The only language Sanky speaks is English so he had no head start, he had to learn each language phonetically and work with voice coaches until he got the speech right - or as near to right as possible. He made it to 13 over two days. Russian proved to be a bridge too far. Don't be surprised if a few further instalments appear over the next couple of months. The speeches are available at: www.youtube.com/dandad
Award levels
There are four level of award at D&AD:In Book - Best of the year
Work that will feature in the prestigious D&AD Annual
Nomination  Shortlisted
Work that has Pencil-winning potential
Yellow Pencil - Creative Excellence
Awarded for creative excellence in a specific discipline
Black Pencil  Groundbreaking
Extremely rare and awarded to truly groundbreaking work
Judging is rigorous, but fair. Over four days 250 of the world's leading creatives gather in London. All voting is private, never by a show of hands. After each round juries are given the chance to discuss the work before final selections are made.Eligibility
Work that has been commercially released between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2010 is eligible for entry.To enter, and for more information on past winners, the judges and categories visit www.dandad.org/awards/professional/2011
Final deadline for entries: 31 January 2011
For more information, please contact:
9 Graphite Square
Vauxhall Walk
SE11 5EE
E: contact@dandad.co.uk


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