Danish Designers launch third political manifesto 'The role of design in the 21st century'

28.02.2010 News
Copenhagen (Denmark) - In January 2010, the launched their third edition of the political manifesto, entitled 'The role of design in the 21st century'. It describes the triple bottom line "design for people, profit and planet" and discusses what design can do and which role design support, design promotion, design commitment and design research and education plays in the development of design.
Download the manifesto from www.danishdesigners.com
The manifesto has been sent to about 250 Danish and International business, cultural and innovation decision-makers.
For more information, please contact:
Danish Designers
Strandgade 27A
DK-1401 Copenhagen K
T: +45 3313 7230
E: design@danishdesigners.com
W: www.danishdesigners.com
Download the manifesto from www.danishdesigners.com
The manifesto has been sent to about 250 Danish and International business, cultural and innovation decision-makers.
For more information, please contact:
Danish Designers
Strandgade 27A
DK-1401 Copenhagen K
T: +45 3313 7230
E: design@danishdesigners.com
W: www.danishdesigners.com
About the Danish Designers
Danish Designers is a professional hub for approximately 900 individual members, working professionally with design. Its mission is to promote the most intelligent use - as well as the understanding of the true value  of design and of the thinking, skills and capacities of Danish designers. It does this through a palette of services, addressing the personal, professional and political needs and interests of our members.

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