European Design Awards announces call for entries

12.02.2012 News
Athens (Greece) - The European Design Awards have announced the call for submissions to the 2012 edition of this Icograda-endorsed competition. The European Design Awards is the comprehensive annual awards organisation celebrating the best of graphic design, illustration and digital design in Europe. The ED-Awards are joint effort by 15 communication design magazines from across Europe.
The ED-Awards boast a highly qualified jury, composed of representatives from the leading European design magazines. They are specialised design editors and critics who, who on a daily basis, recognise and promote the best of communication design internationally. An Icograda-appointed observer is also present to ensure competition guidelines are respected.
The ED-Awards receive the widest publicity in the design awards field in Europe. Agencies and designers who excel in the competition, receive ample coverage since the ED-Awards are organised by a network of design media, i.e. the means of communication themselves.
The jury
- Peter Bankov, [kAk), Russia
- Agata Szydlowska, 2+3D, Poland
- Arja Karhumaa, Grafia, Finland
- John L. Waters, Eye, United Kingdom
- Beatriz San Rom?n, Visual, Spain
- Linda Kudrnovsk?, TYPO, Czech Republic
- Ferah Perker, Grafik Tasarim, Turkey
- Silvia Sfligiotti, Progretto Grafico (AIAP), Italy
- Bettina Schulz, novum, Germany
- Athanasios Kyratzoglou, +design, Greece
- Martin Lengauer, Design Austria, Austria
- Freek Kroesbergen, BNO Vormberichten, Netherlands
- Thierry Hausermann, idpure, Switzerland
- Michel Chenaud, étapes, France
For complete rules visit:
For more information, please contact:
European Design
Sokratous 157
17673 Kallithea
T +30 210 9593033


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)