02.10.2006 News
This new poster builds on an initiative begun earlier in 2006 at Icograda Design Week in Seattle. Local Icograda members nominiate a designer to interpret the Icogada mission of 'leading creatively'.
"I have designed a simple poster using a theme 'Africa rises to lead'. The image is a direct interpretation of a Zulu 'praise poem' which forms part of isiZulu oral histrory. The poem tells of the rise of Dingiswayo, son of Jobe of the Mthethwa clan who went on the become a great leader of his people, mentor of Shaka, King of the Zulu nation. The parallel is apt for today, as I firmly believe that Africa (and particularly South Africa) will rise to become 'leader of the creative world'."
Design education is a long standing passion for Garth and he lectures widely on design issues and has facilitated workshops in South Africa, France, Croatia, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, Korea, China, America and Brazil. In 2004, he was a speaker at Icograda Design Week in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Garth is a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) and the St. Moritz Design Summit. He is also a member of British Design & Art Direction, The New York Type Directors Club and is a trustee of the South African Graphic Design Council (think).
In addition to donating his time and design, paper for the poster was donated by Sappi and printing was sponsored by Capture Press.
The posters are available for $50 USD, including shipping, from the Icograda Secretariat.
For further information please contact:Brenda Sanderson
Icograda Secretariat
455 Saint Antoine O, SS10
Montreal, QC
H2Z 1J1
T: +1 514 448 4949, x 226
F: +1 514 448 4948
About the International Council of Graphic Design Associations
International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda) is the
world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, it
is a voluntary assembly of associations concerned with graphic design,
visual communication, design management, design promotion and design
education. Icograda promotes communication designers' vital role in
society and commerce and unifies the voices of graphic designers and
visual communicators worldwide. The vision, mission and core values of
the council are embodied in the statement 'leading creatively' and
manifested through our members diverse activities to use design as a
medium for progressive change.
About Garth Walker
Walker trained as a graphic designer in the 70's. He started Orange
Juice Design in Durban in 1995. OJ designs for many of South Africa's
blue chip corporations in the fields of identity, literature, packaging
and new media. Garth publishes OJ's studio magazine i-jusi, which aims
to promote and encourage a local design language rooted in the South
African experience.
For the last 10 years Garth has
documented South African street and township vernacular design. His
unique collection now numbers some 3000 images - ranging from
gravestones to hair salon signage and street typography. He has been
widely featured in numerous design publications and has been recognised
with over 60 international awards.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)