29.07.2002 News
Brussels (Belgium) - Help promote Icograda's worldwide network of Friends by distributing Friends of Icograda leaflets to your design community. Each leaflet includes a list of Friends benefits, information about the new Friends website ( and an application form to become a Friend. Icograda Member Associations, Friends and others who support Icograda can request the leaflets from the Friends Administrator. Send your contact information and the number of leaflets you would like to have printed to Janice Liwanag, Friends Administrator
Friends of Icograda
Founded in 1991, Friends of Icograda is a worldwide network of individuals and corporations who share a common interest in graphic design and visual communication. Anyone who wishes to support Icograda and who agrees with Icograda's aims and values can become a Friend of Icograda on a contribution basis.
Friends of Icograda Website
On 27 April 2002 (World Graphics Day), Icograda launched the Friends of Icograda website. The purpose of the website is to introduce Friends to the worldwide design community, and to provide opportunities for Friends to interact with each other online. Meet the Friends of Icograda. Visit
Friends Benefit
Friends enjoy a variety of benefits. Each Friend receives:
- The privilege of using the designation 'Friend of Icograda' on letterhead, business cards or correspondence
- A complimentary subscription to Icograda's quarterly newsletter, BoardMessage
- An automatic subscription to Icograda's weekly e-mail eNews, which provides information about the worldwide graphic design community
- A unique User Name and Password to the 'Friends Only' area of the Friends of Icograda website. This special login allows Friends to create a personal online Portfolio and share information via Web Forums, an E-mail Discussion List and a Resource Library. An advanced search function allows (logged-in) Friends to find other Friends by common interests.
Become a Friend of Icograda
Visit the Friends website at and submit your application using the website's Join Form.
For more information, contact:
Janice Liwanag
Friends Administrator
Friends of Icograda
Founded in 1991, Friends of Icograda is a worldwide network of individuals and corporations who share a common interest in graphic design and visual communication. Anyone who wishes to support Icograda and who agrees with Icograda's aims and values can become a Friend of Icograda on a contribution basis.
Friends of Icograda Website
On 27 April 2002 (World Graphics Day), Icograda launched the Friends of Icograda website. The purpose of the website is to introduce Friends to the worldwide design community, and to provide opportunities for Friends to interact with each other online. Meet the Friends of Icograda. Visit
Friends Benefit
Friends enjoy a variety of benefits. Each Friend receives:
- The privilege of using the designation 'Friend of Icograda' on letterhead, business cards or correspondence
- A complimentary subscription to Icograda's quarterly newsletter, BoardMessage
- An automatic subscription to Icograda's weekly e-mail eNews, which provides information about the worldwide graphic design community
- A unique User Name and Password to the 'Friends Only' area of the Friends of Icograda website. This special login allows Friends to create a personal online Portfolio and share information via Web Forums, an E-mail Discussion List and a Resource Library. An advanced search function allows (logged-in) Friends to find other Friends by common interests.
Become a Friend of Icograda
Visit the Friends website at and submit your application using the website's Join Form.
For more information, contact:
Janice Liwanag
Friends Administrator


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