RGD Welcomes the 2012 ADAA's Ceremony as Part of DesignThinkers

04.06.2012 News
Toronto (Canada) - The 2012 Adobe Design Achievement Awards are excited to announce that this yearÂs ceremony is moving to Toronto, Canada and will be presented in concert with the RGDOntario DesignThinkers Conference on 9 November 2012.
The 2012 Finalists will be honoured and recognised in a key-note awards ceremony in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Along with a chance to win a cash prize, mentorship and Adobe software, the Finalists will have a chance to attend the DT talks and network with design luminaries from across the globe.
Session II Semi-Finalists Announced
ADAA's international panel of judges has completed its rigorous adjudication for Session II and has selected 289 Semi-Finalists across 13 student categories. The names of Session II Semi-Finalists are featured on the ADAA website.
The Semi-Finalists will be sending their projects in to Adobe Headquarters in San Jose, California, where the Category judges will review them on 12-14 August 2012 and select 3 Finalists for each category.
Session III Accepting Submissions
The third and final session of submissions is open until 22 June 2012 17:00PST. This is the last chance for students, recent graduates and faculty to compete in the 2012 ADAAÂs. Free to enter, the international competition recognizes and celebrates student and faculty achievement through 13 student and 3 faculty categories. Contestants may submit up to three times in each category. Read the for more details.
About ADAA
The Adobe® Design Achievement Awards celebrate student and faculty achievement reflecting the powerful convergence of technology and the creative arts. The competition - which showcases individual and group projects created with industry-leading Adobe creative software - honours the most talented and promising student graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, digital filmmakers, developers and computer artists from the world's top institutions of higher education.
About RGD Ontario
RGD Ontario was created by an Act (Bill Pr56) of the Ontario Legislature in 1996 to grant graphic designers who qualify the right to use the designation Registered Graphic Designer (R.G.D.). RGD Ontario is the only graphic design association in North America to have this kind of legislation.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)