Society of Graphic Designers of Canada announces new National Executive for 20122014

09.05.2012 News
Moncton (Canada) - On 27 April 2012 the National Council of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada (GDC), at its Annual General Meeting at the Delta Beausejour Hotel in Moncton, elected its new National Executive Board Members for 2012-2014.
New GDC National Executive members and National Committee Chairpersons are:
- Adrian Jean CGD (Ottawa) President
- Jim Hudson CGD (Moncton) Past-President
- Ana Herrera CGD (Edmonton) Treasurer
- Naoko Masuda CGD (Calgary) Corporate Secretary
- Marga Lopez CGD (North Vancouver) VP Membership
- Karin Jager CGD (North Vancouver), VP Education
- Scott Gillam CGD (Winnipeg) VP Web
- Matthew Warburton CGD, FGDC (Vancouver) VP Communications
- Dean McNeill CGD (Halifax) Chair, Certification Committee
- Valerie Elliott CGD (Victoria) Chair, Sustainability Committee
- David Berman R.G.D., CGD, FGDC (Ottawa) Chair, Ethics Committee
- Peggy Cady CGD, FGDC (Victoria) Chair, GDC Foundation
The Executive Director of the GDC is Melanie MacDonald of Ottawa. Each Chapter (including Members at Large) is represented on the National Council by its President and up to two National Representatives.
About GDC
Founded in 1956, the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada is the only national certification body for graphic and communication design in Canada. Only professional graphic and visual communicators licensed by the GDC are entitled to use the CGD (Certified Graphic Designer) acronym in Canada. With over 1,000 members across Canada, the Society promotes high standards of design and ethics that benefit Canadian commerce, public service and education.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)