The 25th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont announces the winners

29.05.2014 News
The Icogada Endorsed 25th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont announced the winners for the Student competition and International competition.
Student Competition 2014
The competition Students, All to Chaumont ! 2014 was chaired by Pierre Vanni. Graphic designer, living and working in Paris and teaching at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Nancy, he directed the competition towards the stakes of displaying.Jury
Pierre Vanni, Presidant-FranceManuel Bürger, Germany
Mafalda Damaso, Portugal/UK
1st Prize
My-Lan Hoang-Thuy, France
2nd Prize
Sameli Eskola, Heikki Lotvonen, Max Lennarts, Julian Wallmeroth, Wilco Monen, Sophie Neppelenbroek, Karen Van Tigglelen, Netherlands
3rd Prize
Guillaume André, Alexandre Aubertin, France
International Competition
Instored as of the creation of the Festival, the International Competition offers the public audience an exhibition of approximately one hundred contemporary posters selected among a thousand entries sent in by graphic designers from close to forty countries. These posters, communication projects for cultural, social or political projects, are sometimes self-initiated works for their own expression within an artistic or personal project. In all the cases, they strive, by the image and word, to transmit a subject and to create the link for the public to its essence.The international jury, chaired by Ralph Schraivogel and made up of former prize winners of the Chaumont compeition, got together on March 22 and 23. This selection accounts for the topicality of posters around the world. It also illustrates the discussions led during the jury sessions: the importance of commissions, the balance between image and word, the innovative character in the use or composition of the poster itself.
On May 24th, three posters were be awarded the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize of the competition and a fourth designer will be awarded the Icograda excellence award for the whole of his/her work.
Ralph Schraivogel, Switzerland – PresidentLizá Defossez Ramalho, R2 Design – Portugal Gunter Rambow, Germany
Pierre Bernard –France Serge Serov, Golden Bee – Russia
1st Prize
Helmo / Thomas Couderc, Clément Vauchez , France
2nd Prize
Evelyn Ter Bekke & Dirk Behage / Atelier ter Bekke & Behage, Netherlands
3rd Prize
Kim Do hyung, South Korea
Icograda Excellence Award
Mathias Schweizer, Switzerland
For more information, please contact:
Susanne Schroeder
Chaumont Design Graphique
du 17 mai au 9 juin 2014
Tel +33(0)325 038 680
Mobile: +33(0)603 101 749
About endorsements
Each year, Icograda endorses a select group of activities internationally that advance our objective to promote the value of design. Endorsed events demonstrate that they enhance the standards of design, professional practice and ethics.
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