09.03.2001 News
Habana (Cuba) - The Prografica Cubana Committee, Casa de las Americas and Consejo Nacional de las Artes Plasticas, with the cooperation of the Historian's Office of Ciudad de La Habana and The Fundacion Ludwig, convene to GRAPHIC DESIGN WEEK with the purpose of promoting the development of the cultural and communication values of design, thus strengthening the atmosphere of exchanges among Latin American designers and related professionals as well as the necessary spaces for knowledge, debate and confrontation.
The event will consist of a series of activities that will allow the attendants to meet, compare their professional experiences, debate essential topics of their activity and approach the most recent productions of Cuban graphic design. An Icograda International Seminar, an open Colloquium for the presentation and debate of papers, the inauguration of three exhibitions covering different moments of Cuban graphic history, presentations of specialized books and magazines and visits to educational institutions will take place during five days.
One of the central events of the Graphic Design Week will be the celebration in Havana of the Icograda Regional Meeting for Latin America, Icograda Board meeting and the Icograda Seminar. These relevant meetings will have the distinguished presence of the members of the organization's board, including its president, David Grossman. The Prografica Cubana Committee will be the host organization - in its condition of Icograda member in Cuba - and the seat will be Casa de las Americas.
All the activities of Graphic Design Week will be organized on a non-profit basis, with the valuable support of the Ministry of Culture of Cuba and the generous contribution of Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations).
Entrance will be free of charge in all cases. Those interested in presenting papers at the Colloquium will only require the previous registration and confirmation by e-mail, and the remittance of abstracts of their works.
11 > 12 June: The State of Graphic Design in Latin America - Icograda Regional Meeting
11 June: Turn of the Century Design, Cuban Graphics 1990-2000 (opening of the exhibition)
12 June: Jaime Valls: The Graphics of the 30s (opening of the exhibition)
13 June: Graphic Design Perspectives - Icograda International Seminar
14 > 15 June: Exchange 2001, Colloquium. Latin American Graphic Design Meeting
15 June: Four decades of Graphic Design (opening of the exhibition)
C: Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744
For Icograda Regional Meeting
C : Thierry Van Kerm
For further information please contact:
Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744
The event will consist of a series of activities that will allow the attendants to meet, compare their professional experiences, debate essential topics of their activity and approach the most recent productions of Cuban graphic design. An Icograda International Seminar, an open Colloquium for the presentation and debate of papers, the inauguration of three exhibitions covering different moments of Cuban graphic history, presentations of specialized books and magazines and visits to educational institutions will take place during five days.
One of the central events of the Graphic Design Week will be the celebration in Havana of the Icograda Regional Meeting for Latin America, Icograda Board meeting and the Icograda Seminar. These relevant meetings will have the distinguished presence of the members of the organization's board, including its president, David Grossman. The Prografica Cubana Committee will be the host organization - in its condition of Icograda member in Cuba - and the seat will be Casa de las Americas.
All the activities of Graphic Design Week will be organized on a non-profit basis, with the valuable support of the Ministry of Culture of Cuba and the generous contribution of Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations).
Entrance will be free of charge in all cases. Those interested in presenting papers at the Colloquium will only require the previous registration and confirmation by e-mail, and the remittance of abstracts of their works.
11 > 12 June: The State of Graphic Design in Latin America - Icograda Regional Meeting
11 June: Turn of the Century Design, Cuban Graphics 1990-2000 (opening of the exhibition)
12 June: Jaime Valls: The Graphics of the 30s (opening of the exhibition)
13 June: Graphic Design Perspectives - Icograda International Seminar
14 > 15 June: Exchange 2001, Colloquium. Latin American Graphic Design Meeting
15 June: Four decades of Graphic Design (opening of the exhibition)
C: Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744
For Icograda Regional Meeting
C : Thierry Van Kerm
For further information please contact:
Hector Villaverde, Prografica
T: + 537 61 2779
F: + 537 24 2744


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