Icograda endorses DesignThinkers 2011

20.06.2011 News
Montréal (Canada) - Icograda is endorsing the DesignThinkers 2011 conference to be held 2-3 November 2011 in Toronto, Canada. The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario), that organises DesignThinkers, is a professional member of Icograda representing more than 3 000 graphic designers, managers, educators and students across the province of Ontario (Canada). DesignThinkers 2011 aligns with IcogradaÂs values by fostering recognition and respect of design by individuals, clients and society at large as a valued and vital profession.
At the 12 annual DesignThinkers Conference, leading visual communicators will discuss how design builds relationships between organisations, products and people. Speakers include: identity designers Ivan Chermayeff & Tom Geismar; type designer Jessica Hische; book designer Chip Kidd; advertising legend George Lois; editorial designer Patrick Mitchell; film titles designer Richard Morrison, illustrator Christoph Neimann; and Creative Director of Google Creative Lab, Robert Wong.
From branding to sustainability, interactive to editorial design, film titling to innovation, our visionary thinkers are drawn from the many disciplines that reflect the diversity of graphic design communications. They will present their perspectives and share a deeper understanding of the important and impactful role design and communications play in our ever-changing world.
Super early-bird rates are available before 8 July, early-bird rates until 30 September and members of Icograda member organisations are eligible for discounts. Visit the DesignThinkers 2011 Icograda event page for more details.
For more information, please contact:
Gabriel Gosselin
Communications Manager
T +1 514 448 4949 x 234
E fggosselin@icograda.org
Sergio Figueredo
Membership Coordinator
T +1 514 448 4949 x 233
E sfigueredo@icograda.org
About the Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario
RGD Ontario was created by an Act (Bill Pr56) of the Ontario Legislature in 1996 to grant graphic designers who qualify the right to use the designation Registered Graphic Designer (R.G.D.). RGD Ontario is the only graphic design association in North America to have this kind of legislation.
The Association of Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario (RGD Ontario) represents more than 3,000 graphic designers, managers, educators and students across Ontario.
About Icograda Endorsements
Icograda endorses select activities internationally that advance our objective to promote the value of communication design. Endorsement demonstrates that these activities enhance the awareness of design, professional practice and ethics. For award schemes and competitions, an Icograda endorsement is recognition that it has been organised to meet international best practice guidelines - including jury composition, evaluation criteria and intellectual property protection.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)