:output 13 available soon and :output 14 winners announced

15.06.2011 News
Amsterdam (Netherlands) - The winners of the 14 edition of the :output award were announced last month after the deliberation by the :output jury on 15-16 April in Amsterdam. They selected the student projects for the next edition of the :output book and named the winners for the :output Grand Prix - worth EUR 3 000. :output 13 will be published in June.
:output Grand Prix and distinction
The :output Grand Prix was split between:
- foRMLOs - bitumen collection
Laura Jungmann
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, Germany - Workshop 2010
Tobias Tilgner and Sebastian Kempf
Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany
Four designs were awarded distinction by the jury:
- ÂHandbuch für Spione (ÂHandbook for SpiesÂ)
Thomas Pruss, GERMANY
Designschool Munich // Designschule München - Wandern im Wissen
Niruba Balsingam, Manuel Dreesmann, Freja Enholm, Linda Freybott, David Grünwald, Andreas Haller, Stefan Ihmig, Claudius Kirsch, Shushi Li, Henrik Lippke, Maha Mahmood, Isabel Micheel, Josef Rissling, Dawei Wu, Marek Mateusz Majewski, Silke Bussen, Eno Henze
Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Germany - Your Free Guide To Life
Marcel Mendler
Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Germany - collect consume forget - Erinnerungen in digitalen Gegenwartsarchiven
Niklas Hippel
Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Germany
:output selection
In total 83 projects out of 964 have been selected for the next edition of the :output book to be published in fall 2011. The full list of winners can be seen on the :output foundation website.
:output book
:output 13 will be published in June and can be ordered directly through the :output foundation, please send an email to: info@inputoutput.deFor more information, please contact:
Gabriel Gosselin
Communications Manager
T: +1 514 448 4949 x 234
E: fggosselin@icograda.org
About :output
:output is a non-profit organisation in Amsterdam. The goal of the foundation is to support young talents and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas on design education and the design profession. Each year they organise the ':output calls for input' competition and compile winners in the :output yearbook. They connect industry and design education through innovation projects (:output lab) and seek to build an international network of design education.


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)