'Oded Ezer: Tipocriaturas' curated by Estudio Infinito's Ruth Klotzel

10.01.2012 News
Sao Paulo (Brazil) - "Oded Ezer: Tipocriaturas" are two solo exhibitions, running simulanteously, in Sao Paulo and Brasilia. Curated by Estudio Infinito's , the exhibition includes a wide range of Ezer's commercial and experimental typographic projects from recent years, including Typoplastic Surgeries, Biotypography, Typosperma, I (heart) MiltonÂ
and more.
Above: I (heart) Milton Photo: courtesy of Oded Ezer
"Oded Ezer's work take us to wonderland, to a place where inanimate objects gain the right to be part if the living world. Letters can be generated in a biological system and raise up from the surface becoming live creatures." says Ruth Klotzel.
Above: Ruth Klotzel conducts a guided tour at CAIXA Brasilia
"Working restless, he reveals the real meaning of experimentalism, so banalised nowadays, discovering new paths, new meanings, new attitudes. Summarizing, as he himself affirms, he plays seriously, like a 6 year old boy."
The Sao Paulo exhibit runs through 26 February at CAIXO Cultural Sao Paulo.
For additional information:
CAIXA Cultural S?o Paulo
E: cultura.sp@caixa.gov.br
Above: I (heart) Milton Photo: courtesy of Oded Ezer
"Oded Ezer's work take us to wonderland, to a place where inanimate objects gain the right to be part if the living world. Letters can be generated in a biological system and raise up from the surface becoming live creatures." says Ruth Klotzel.
Above: Ruth Klotzel conducts a guided tour at CAIXA Brasilia
"Working restless, he reveals the real meaning of experimentalism, so banalised nowadays, discovering new paths, new meanings, new attitudes. Summarizing, as he himself affirms, he plays seriously, like a 6 year old boy."
The Sao Paulo exhibit runs through 26 February at CAIXO Cultural Sao Paulo.
For additional information:
CAIXA Cultural S?o Paulo
E: cultura.sp@caixa.gov.br
About Oded Ezer
Oded Ezer, a typographic artist, logo and type designer, is also a lecturer and a typographic experimentalist. His studio is located in Israel.www.odedezer.com


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