:output awards 2012 open for submissions

12.01.2012 News
Amsterdam (Netherlands) - The call for submission for the 2011 edition of the :output awards are open until 15 February 2012. Now in its 15 year, the International Student Award for Young Talents in Design and Architecture invites entries to compete for the Grand Prix or to be featured in the :output 2012 yearbook.
:output Grand Prix
All projects submitted to the :output competition will be eligible for the :output Grand Prix. An international jury will choose the Grand Prix winner who will receive a scholarship of 3000 EUR. This scholarship is meant to support young talents in Design and Architecture and to present works from students to a broader design and architectural audience.
Every year more than 1000 students from more than 40 different countries submit their best projects to the competition. An international jury makes the selection which will be presented in the :output yearbook.
All works which have been submitted to the :output Award will be published on the open :output platform. The Grand Prix together with about 80 selected works will be published both in the :output yearbook and in the :output hall of fame on the portfolio-platform open:output. An international jury of highly recognised designers and architects will select the best projects. The jury for the 2012 award will be presented by the :output foundation in January 2012.
The :output foundation
:output is a non-profit organisation in Amsterdam. The goal of the foundation is to support young talents and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas on design education and the design profession. We organise the :output Award, publish the yearbook :output with the best works of students around the world. and organise the biannual design conference ÂWhat matters in cooperation with OTIS college of design.
For more information, please contact:
Katharina Bauckhage
:output foundation
Peperstraat 7
1011 TJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T 0031-20-423 24 25


in memoriam: essam abu awad (1958-2021)

in memoriam: yu bingnan (1933–2020)